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Honored to help tell your story and remember this season through pencil, ink and watercolors.

Wedding Portraits
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Karis  Briscoe

My husband gave me a pair of beautiful, lacy oxfords for our first Christmas married. I wore them through our early marriage, two moves, several pregnancies, several dates and a lot of "throw something on to get errands done before the next nap" kind of days. I brought four babies home from the hospital in those shoes and mourned the loss of a little one we never got to meet. I have experienced explosive joy and unexpected grief in those worn, lacy shoes. They have seen wear and tear but have been a sturdy accessory that hold beauty and meaning still. 
They help tell my story. And that's exactly what I would like to do for YOU. I want to work with you to tell your story, to remember a special snap shot in time, to put onto paper what you adore. I look forward to this journey together, to working with you to make something beautiful and memorable out of joy or sorrow or both. 
So welcome! I'm glad you're here.

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